Volcanic Ash causes Absence eruption!
Posted on Apr 21 in Latest News by adminThe volcanic ash cloud has stranded many UK workers and the Federation of Small Business (FSB) reported a warning in the Daily Telegraph to organisations that dock the pay of workers who fail to turn up for work as a consequence, that they could face future employment tribunals.
The FSB suggest the most vulnerable are those organisations that don’t have robust absence management policies that clearly state they are entitled to deduct wages in such circumstances.
The warning comes following a decision made by one local authority to deduct the wages of teachers if they fail to turn up at the school after the Easter Break due to flight cancellations caused by the volcanic ash in the upper atmosphere grounding planes.
This situation raises many questions and ultimately costs are suffered by one side or the other. Where guidance is not made clear in policy the situation will lead to lengthy discussions, strain is placed on relationships, not to mention the potential employment tribunal claim should terms prove ambiguous.
It is therefore crucial that employers have contingency plans in place to manage absence in the workplace and many clients are taking the time to revisit their terms –it is not enough to be of the view that payment of wages is afforded to work actually completed.
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